Project log Day 137: Writing is hard

As agreed with myself (and my tutor), and although last weekend I failed to make much tangible progress, I have been writing (mostly yesterday).

Redacting the report itself is proving more difficult than I would have initially expected

Explaining the Project concepts

I have been able to explain the project to a colleague that has studied as a mathematician and works in Cybersecurity. It was a breeze, as he had a good grasp of most of the concepts.

But for someone less familiar, it’s not as easy, and so redacting a dissertation to present the whole project is proving a bit of a challenge.

I have made little tangible progress last week in the sense of how much I have typed then, but I did reorganize a bit the information.

Yesterday I finally sat down and for a few hours was re-redacting the report (it must be something like v11 by now I guess… I don’t keep track).

And it finally seems to “work”: each concept presented in turn, rather clearly I would hope, the logic of the progress going through the report seems to be sensible…

One hiccup of course is that I haven’t yet included much of the results analysis, and although the whole concept is in, I am already at 30+ pages. And the contents so far don’t include much in the way of visualizations (albeit some, but I plan on including quite a bit more of visual information)…

So the hard limit of 80 pages suddenly seems very real.

Let’s hope I make some more progress today with the writing…

Shiny interactive animated visuals 

Now writing is not easy, but thankfully an image is worth a thousand words (or so they say). Well I feel it’s true, and so I kept working at my Shiny application to present the concepts and results.

Demonstrating SIS on a BA network with 50 nodes, initial infection prevalence 20%, Beta & Mu parameters editable
Interactively choosing which configuration results to look at (GA).
Visualizing GA choices of genes (individuals’ Beta & Mu) on which to act to minimize prevalence for a given configuration

And for the video presentation, that will help. A lot. Because now I can present results interactively. And then I  can record explanations over the video.

So although I’m not coming to this Blog as often lately, it is not because of a complete lack of progress…